======================================================================= = = = EXCALIBUR 2555AD WEB DEMO - README FILE = = = ======================================================================= QUICK START * Double click the ‘Excalibur.exe’ icon to start the game. ======================================================================= SETUP PRGOGAM * This PC version of EXCALIBUR 2555AD uses a 'Setup' program where you can configure the game to run as well as possible on your PC. * Depending on specification of your computer, not all of the different options will be available to you. * When the game starts for the first time it will automatically select the best options for your PC. You should avoid changing these unless you really want to... - 3D MODE - * This option allows you to select which 3D mode to run the game in. The options are:- * FISH 3D 8 BIT : Suitable for all PC users. * D3D SOFTWARE : This will give you better quality graphics, but will only work well on fast MMX processors. * 3DFX MODE : This provides the highest quality graphics, but is only available to users with 3Dfx accelerator cards. - LOGIC SPEED - * This option changes the Frame Rate Independence. It is designed to allow the game to run faster on slower PCs. * 1 - 5 : This is the number of logical game cycles for every graphics cycle. The higher the number, the more jerky the game will be. * Auto : This mode will select the best FRI for each room you enter. In theory it should work the best... - ENHANCED LIGHTING - * This feature allows you to change the quality of the in-game lighting by changing the sub-division on the polygons. This feature should only really be used in high spec machines. * Off : This should be used on most machines. * Silly High : This will slow the game down dramatically, but one day machines may be fast enough to use it... - RESOLUTION - * This option determines what resolution the game will run in. Not all graphics cards will support all resolutions. As a general rule the lower the resolution, the faster the game will run. * In 3Dfx MODE the game will only run in 640x480. ======================================================================= GAME CONTROLS - MENU CONTROLS - * Cursor Up : Move the menu highlight up * Cursor Down : Move the menu highlight down * Space Bar : Select the highlighted menu option * Escape : Return to the previous/main menu - STANDARD CONTROLS - * Cursor Keys : Walk forwards, backwards, rotate left and right * Space Bar : Interact - Talk, pickup objects, etc. * Shift : Run - Hold down in conjunction with the cursor keys * Alt : Use - Beth will use the active item in her Inventory * Ctrl : Fight mode - Press to enter and leave fight mode * Escape : Pause * F1 : Display the Inventory - FIGHT MODE - * Press CTRL to enter fight mode. Hold down CTRL and the relevant CURSOR KEY to perform the following moves... * Ctrl + Down : Block * Ctrl + Left : Back-handed slice * Ctrl + Right : Fore-handed slice * Ctrl + Up : Overhead slice/chop * Press CTRL or SHIFT to leave fight mode. ======================================================================= THE INVENTORY * The inventory screen is split into 4 main sections. Clockwise, from the top left corner, these are The Items Box, The Map Box, The Spell Book and The Combination Box. The active section is shown by a coloured border. To switch between the different sections of the screen press the SHIFT or TAB Key. - THE ITEMS BOX - * Cursor Keys : Scroll between the available items * Alt Key : Make the selected item 'active' (It will rotate) * Space Bar : Place the selected item in the Combination Box * Ctrl Key : Remove the selected item from the Combination Box * The bar at the bottom shows which item is currently selected - THE MAP BOX - * Cursor Keys : Scroll the map * F3 Key : Zoom the map in * F2 Key : Zoom the map out - THE SPELL BOOK - * Cursor Keys : Up and Down will scroll through your known spells - THE COMBINATION BOX - * It is possible to combine two items together to form a new one. When you place two objects from The Items Box into The Combination Box they will automatically be combined to produce a new object. Press the SPACE Bar to move the new object to The Items Box. If a new object is not created, then the items you have selected cannot be combined together. ======================================================================= JOYSTICK SUPPORT * Excalibur 2555AD also now includes support for 4 button joypads. This is achieved by using part of DirectX. Therefore DirectX 5 must be installed on your computer for this to work. * Due to time constraints, the joystick support has not been completely tested. As it was never part of the original design, any joystick support should be considered a bonus... Good Luck! ======================================================================= 3DFX USERS * Excalibur 2555AD was written to use the latest version the 3Dfx API - 'Glide'. You may need to update the drivers for your card before you can play Excalibur. * If you run the 'Setup' program and there is no 3Dfx option in the 3D MODE section (and you have a 3Dfx card) try the following:- * Open the folder '3DFX' on the root of the CD. * Inside it there is a program called 'g24rtvg.exe'. * Double-click on this file to update your drivers. * This program is supplied by 3Dfx Interactive and as such we accept no liability for what might happen. It should work fine though... ======================================================================= SCREEN SIZE * An additional feature was added to the game at the last minute which allows you to resize your screen in the FISH 3D & D3D SOFTWARE modes. * When you are in game, pressing F5 will shrink the screen. This will have the advantage of allowing the game to run much faster. * Pressing F6 will enlarge the screen again. * There are a number of known problems with this feature:- * The Pause menu may be slightly corrupted. * Objects in the Inventory may be shown incorrectly. ======================================================================= CAMERAS * To switch between the normal and 'other' camera, use the F2 Key. * Whilst in the 'other' camera view, use the F3 Key to Zoom in and out ======================================================================= ALT-TAB * Pressing ALT-TAB during the game to switch to another program may cause problems. Both your Energy Bar & Map may become corrupted when you return to the game. * The best solution to this problem is not to press ALT-TAB. Don't do it... ======================================================================= EXTRA FEATURES * To find out more about this product and any enhancements, keep an eye on the following web sites:- * www.telstar.co.uk/tes * www.fishuk.com ======================================================================= WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK... * The little 24 Hour garage at the top of the road. * The slightly smaller Chinese just down the road. * The kettle for not packing-in when the coffee was needed most. * God, for making it all possible. ======================================================================= CONTACT DETAILS * In the unlikely event that you experience any problems with this game please contact us at the following address:- Customer Services Telstar Electronic Studios 62-64 Bridge Street Walton on Thames Surrey KT12 1AP England Tel: +44 (0)1932 232299 Fax: +44 (0)1932 252702 Email: games.support@telstar.co.uk =======================================================================